Developer ToolsEasy CSV Editor is one of the best editors for CSV and TSV files available on the market.
In a clean and user-friendly interface it offers simplicity and flexibility to visualize and edit both small and large documents.
The app is built entirely using the native technologies provided by Apple and specifically optimized for iPhones & iPads. That's why you'll feel right at home from the moment you open the app.
We greatly valu...
Developer ToolsJSON Editor is a beautiful viewer and editor for JSON data. It allows you to create, visualize, modify, validate, format and save your JSON documents.
The app has the smarts needed to make the minimum changes when editing a file, even in the "outline" mode.
This is especially useful when you keep the files in a repository, because only the relevant changes will be shown when diff-ing the edited files.
• Vie...
Developer ToolsPLIST Editor allows you to create, visualize, modify and save property list (.plist) documents.
PLIST Editor is probably the only "source control friendly" property list editor that you can find on the market (except Xcode, of course). For all plist types (XML, Binary and OpenStep/ASCII), it maintains the order of dictionary elements and the editing capabilities are on parity with Xcode, so you don't see a difference between ...