Photo & VideoEver wanted to remove unwanted people, unsightly pimples from a photo/video? Now you can. Photo Retouch can make people, blemish disappear as if they were never there.
Very simple to use. Simply paint the items, and touch run erase.
Make fun pictures/videos, remove unwanted people, remove unsightly pimples, clean up the perfect shot.
Even more features:
*Powerful AI Photo Editor, add text, filters and effects to photos.
UtilitiesGenießen Sie sicheres Browsen - Say Goodbye to Porn ...
Halten Sie Ihr Kind und Familie von Porno und Erwachsenen Inhalt.
Porn Shield Block alle Art von Porno-Site auf Ihrem Safari Browser.
Porn Shield ist der intelligenteste und starke Porno-Blocker, der für Ihren Safari Browser funktioniert.
Mit dieser Porno-Schild-App können Sie Tausende von Porno-Webseiten auf Safari-Browser blockieren, damit Ihr Kind das Internet sic...
Photo & VideoMake slideshow of photos&videos with this app.
you can add music with your photos&videos and can make awesome videos or slideshows
also you can add text and effects on photos&videos to make them awesome.
share these videos or slideshows on social networks.
download it now ....