Take your iphone back to the 20th Century. "And iRetroPhone, the goofiest $2.99 I’ve spent so far, draws an old-fashioned rotary dial on the screen." - Saul Hansell (New York Times - Bits Blog) Retro Rotary Dial Phone Application for your iphone (And it really works!!) As one of the inaugural apps to grace the App Store, iRetroPhone set a precedent for creativity and uniqueness in mobile applications. Experience the Magic of Rotary Dialing With iRetroPhone, we've meticulously recreated the tactile and auditory sensations of the classic rotary dialer. Every spin of the dial, every click, brings with it a wave of nostalgia, transporting users to a simpler time where every call was an experience in itself. Features That Dial Back Time: - Authentic Rotary Interface: Designed to mimic the look and feel of vintage rotary phones, providing an immersive retro experience. - Dial-Up Sound Effects: High-quality, realistic sound effects that replicate the mechanical sounds of a rotary dialer. - Customizable Skins: Choose from a variety of classic phone models to personalize your iRetroPhone experience. Check our website (http://www.iRetroPhone.com) for the latest demo movie.