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  • Kompatibilität: Lauffähig ab iOS oder neuer.




  • Slow updates from favourite creator

    von Angèle1999
    I really liked this app but they post only very few new audios from my favourite creator CallmeId. Sometimes you have to wait months to get a new one, which is very disappointing.
  • Should’ve subscribed sooner!

    von Jack4lyn
    The one week free trial was enough time to decide that i want a yearly subscription and not just for a month. If you are looking for short spicy audio storys (10- 60 minutes) give it a try! The tags make it easy to look for your preferences and voice actors will melt you!
  • worth every penny

    von emmsibemms
    I always told myself I would never pay money for an app but for Quinn it’s WORTH IT!
  • Terrible

    von gravy despenser
    You literally have to pay to use the app,you can’t browse or see literally anything on the app because it’s behind a paywall
  • Dark pattern - tricks you

    von omgihateusernames__
    Makes you go through the effort of creating an account and choosing a user name, only to take you to the subscription page. No chance to browse the app to then make a decision on if you want to purchase a subscription. Very annoying and not a good impression to people who are curious but not ready to commit.
  • No free version

    von the girl with the dog tattoo
    It prompts you to make an account first, then shows the different subscription options. There is no free version
  • 👎👎👎

    von ecko31
  • Zamn

    von ajsbshhs
    Keine Ahnung konnte nix anhören weil es gleich am Anfang Geld kostet. Man könnte das schon im AppStore disclosen aber ne :(
  • Bezahlschranke direkt am Anfang

    von lillyksnbe
    Man muss direkt alle Daten angeben nur um danach direkt zu einer Bezahlschranke zu kommen.
