You start as an Orb. Left thumb moves Orb. Right thumb taps to shoot demons. Collect little red forbidden fruit. Laughing Lilith will give you Bosch Power! Unlock all 3 panels of the triptych, and a ton of bonus characters. Ever since my high school art teacher showed me The Garden of Earthly Delights in a book I was hooked at looking at the fine details of this amazing triptych. I thought it would be fun to make a game where we explore each panel of the triptych as a separate level. Unlock all 3 worlds and fight the demons. Maybe even learn a little art history along the way. It's so fun and scary you will never know it's educational. I really did my best to get the Bosch vibe to come through the design of game play. When I think of Bosch I think of words like, beautiful and alluring but once it brings you in, it hits you with brutality. It's fierce, in your face, scary, and action packed. Bam! You just got Bosch'd. Thanks for supporting indie games. Please leave us a review, and I hope you enjoy the game.