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  • Dateigröße: 0 bytes
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  • Kompatibilität: Lauffähig ab iOS oder neuer.




  • Exactly what I needed

    von MikeyGee0423
    Not sure why it’s so hard to find a decent video cutting/compressing app, but this one is perfect. East to use and without a bunch of bloat. A+++
  • Excellent downscaler

    von khamigen
    Many smart features and effective recompiling. I am now able to cut my video sizes in half and loose next to no quality. Well worth its price👍
  • Ist OK

    von themoonsea
    Ein schönes kleines Progrämmchen zum Filme komprimieren. Die Funktion ist nur für 30 Sekunden Filme freigeschaltet, die volle Version kostet dann ca. 3 Euro. Ist jetzt nicht das Mega-Studio Teil, aber ich finde das ein faires Tool.
  • great App with high potential, something is to do

    von mokliee
    hello, i love this app. It works perfect but there are some tunes to do: 1st: on multiple selection with eg. 720p @ 200fps it will be concerted to 30fps. maybe it can keep or ask for. 2nd: show fps in grid view 3rd: do better album selection (a selector maybe) 4th: in the summary view (multiple selected items) it would be great to tap on each video in the list and edit manually the fps/bits/resoloution. 5th: add a loading bar at start if u see more than 40.000k items/>400gb photos library. because there is a huge lag between starting the app and showing the declaration of the codec in grid view. before that is not done u can not switching the view to eg. album view.
